infoberkarir - Indonesia Toray Science Foundation merupakan yayasan yang didirikan atas bantuan Toray Industries, Inc. Berdirinya ITSF bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi kemajuan Ilmu Pengetahuan & Teknologi di Indonesia. Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dibatasi hanya pada bidang ilmu pengetahuan murni, termasuk lingkungan, tetapi tidak termasuk medikal klinik dan matematika.
Setiap tahun mengadakan agenda rutin sebagai ajang penganugrahan ilmu pengetahuan bagi para pakar keilmuan di Indonesia. Setelah sukses dengan agenda ITFS 2015, kini kembali mengajadakn ITFS 2016 dengan tiga pogram sebegai berikut.
Pada massing- masing program memiliki syarat dan ketentuan.
Science Education Award
(a) Calon adalah warga negara Indonesia(b) Calon adalah guru aktif pada salah satu jenjang pendidikan di Sekolah Menengah Pertama / Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Sekolah Menengah Atas / Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan / Madrasah Aliyah baik negeri maupun swasta seluruh wilayah geografis Republik Indonesia.(c) Calon adalah guru yang aktif dalam pendidikan sains pada mata pelajaran Fisika-Kimia-Biologi(d) Calon telah melakukan inovasi pada pengajaran sains di bidang, dengan metode yang kreatif dan menarik seperti penggunaan alat peraga, model, simulasi, eksperimen, dan lain-lain.
Science & technology Award
Qualifications of Candidates
The Award is open to Indonesians residing in Indonesia and pursuing research in the field of Science & Technology, who had made a significant breakthrough to scientific knowledge, contributed to the development of science and technology in Indonesia. Please note that mathematics, clinical medicine, and social sciences are excluded.
The evaluation will be based on the scientific breakthrough with the following supports:
a. Consistency in conducting researches in the same field.
b. Number and quality of publications in peer reviewed journals.
c. The quality of journal where the research works published.
d. The independence of research works (in contrast to the supervised works).
e. Other kind of scientific contributions (patents, technology applications, etc).
f. Scientific attitude.
Science & technology Research Grant
Qualifications of Candidates
a. A research team consists of minimum of 2 (two) researchers.
b. Energetic and creative young Indonesian researchers, in a team both Principal and Co-Investigators aged below 45 on January 1, 2017.
c. Residing in Indonesia, engaged in research and/or science based innovation in Science and Technology, excluding mathematics, clinical medicine and social sciences.
d. Principal investigator is eligible for only 1 (one) proposal submission in the same fiscal year.
e. Candidate can only receive STRG twice, not in a consecutive year. For those who received previous STRG, current submitted proposal should be a continuation of previous research.
f. Candidate should carry out research mainly in Indonesia.
2. Research Grant STRG is provided annually for the duration of one year. ITSF will provide a total amount of approximately Rp 700 million for 2016 calendar year in grants of up to Rp 50 million per approved proposal. This research grant is partly supported by Toray Science Foundation Japan. Any ensuing intellectual property rights resulting from this research will not be claimed by Toray Science Foundation.
3. Recommendation The proposal should be recommended by a representative of a scientific research institution. For a higher learning institution, this should be the Director of the Research Institute or the Dean of Faculty. For a non-university research center, this should be its director.
Deadline 31 Agustus 2016
Informasi pendaftaran:
Summitmas II - 3rd Floor Jl.Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 61-62 Jakarta 12190 - Indonesia Tel: (021) 5220785, 2526841 Fax: (021) 5202041
Informasi resmi:
Terimakasih telah berkunjung, tetap semangat dan semoga sukses :)